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Webhooks allow your application to receive notifications (by HTTP requests) from SlickComment when events happen.

Supported events#

  • comment.pending: after a comment is marked as "pending".
  • comment.approved: after a comment is marked as "approved".
  • comment.trashed: after a comment is marked as "trashed".
  • comment.deleted_by_user: after a comment is deleted by the user.
  • notification.new_reply: before SlickComment sends notification emails to users about a new reply, you can use this event to create user notifications in your app!
  • page.nb_comments_changed: when the number of published comments on a page is changed

Steps to receive webhooks#

  1. Decide which events you wish to receive notifications for.
  2. Create an HTTP endpoint (webhook endpoint) in your app.
  3. Enter your endpoint & enable webhooks for your site in the console.
  4. Make sure the endpoint is accessible (if you're developing locally, you can use You can quickly test it with our tool in the Console 🠦 Site 🠦 Webhooks 🠦 Testing.
  5. Make sure the endpoint returns 200 response status code when everything is alright.

Validate webhook requests#

When SlickComment sends requests to your endpoint, there will be a signature in the JSON content. Make sure you validate this signature before processing other data.

The signature is a sha256 hash of the timestamp that is sent along in the JSON. The secret used for hashing is from Console 🠦 Site 🠦 Webhooks 🠦 Settings 🠦 Webhook Secret

This is an example PHP code for validating the signature:

$hash = hash_hmac('sha256', $timestamp, $webhookSecret);
if ($hash !== $signature) {    // signature is invalid      } else {    // signature is valid}

General JSON structure#

Every webhook request will have JSON content similar to this

{  "alertId": 123,  "eventCode": "comment...",  "timestamp": 1640355452,  "signature": "signature...",  "data": {}}

The object data will have different structures for different events. See the sections below!

Structures of data by event#





The 4 events above has the same structure for data:

{  "site": {},  "page": {},  "comment": {}}


{  "site": {},  "page": {},  "parentComment": {},  "reply": {},  "subscriberUserSsoIds": ["user-sso-id-1", "user-sso-id-2", "..."],  "subscriberGuestEmails": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "..."]}

Note: if a comment is posted by a guest userScId and userSsoId will be null.


{  "site": {},  "page": {}}

Resource structures examples#


{  "id": "site-id",  "name": "site name",  "nbComments": 100,  "nbPendingComments": 2,  "nbUnreadFlags": 3}


{  "id": "page Id",  "scId": "page SlickComment Id",  "title": "Page title",  "url": "Page url",  "nbPublishedComments": 10,  "nbPublishedRootComments": 4}


{  "id": 1,  "content": "<p>comment content</p>",  "createdAt": "2021-12-30T16:08:07+00:00",  "moderationStatus": "approved",  "isPinned": false,  "isPublished": true,  "reactions": {    "upvote": 1,    "downvote": 0  },  "url": "",  "deletedByUserAt": null,  "user": {}}


{  "scId":  2,  "ssoId": "user-sso-id",  "name":  "John Doe",  "email": "[email protected]",  "avatarUrl":  "",  "profileUrl": "",  "nbComments":  10,  "nbPublishedComments": 9,  "nbReactionsCreated":  1,  "nbReactionsReceived": 2,  "nbFlagsCreated":  3,  "nbFlagsReceived": 4}
