Single Sign-On
Single Sign-On allows your users to comment using the account on your site.
To enable Singe Sign-On, you will have to add some custom code on both back-end and front-end parts of your site.
You will need to use JSON Web Token to exchange the user data with SlickComment.
User SSO IDBefore you start, it's important to understand the concept of User SSO ID.
Each user in your system probably already have an ID. But when SlickComment receives the user data, it creates a new ID for each new user.
Now, when you manage comments/users from SlickComment Console, you probably want to know the ID of a user in your system, to do so, you must provide the user ID for us, and that is called SSO ID.
Think of it as a shared user ID between 2 systems.
You can use the real user ID in your system as SSO ID.
Or if you don't want to expose the real user ID, create another ID (maybe name it scSsoId
to be clear) and provide us that.
Back-endGet the SSO secret from SlickComment Console before starting.
In your back-end, create a new endpoint that returns the JWT of a logged-in user.
The JWT payload should have similar structure like this:
{ "userData": { "ssoId": 1, // required, integers will be converted to string "name": "John Doe", // optional "email": "[email protected]", // optional but if not provided, the user will not get email notifications for new replies or votes "avatarUrl": "", // optional "profileUrl": "" // optional }, "iat": 1619437044, // timestamp when the token is created "exp": 1619437644 // timestamp when the token expires}
Here is a sample code in Nodejs that creates an endpoint /sso
const express = require('express');const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');const app = express();
app.get('/sso', (req, res) => { const user = getLoggedInUser();
if (!user) { // user is not logged in res.send(null); }
const timestampNow = Math.round( / 1000); const expirationTimestamp = timestampNow + (3600); // expires in an hour const payload = { userData: { ssoId: 1, name: user.getName(), email: user.getEmail(), avatarUrl: user.getAvatarUrl(), }, iat: timestampNow, exp: expirationTimestamp, }; const secret = 'this-is-your-secret-from-the-dashboard'; const token = jwt.sign(payload, secret, { algorithm: 'HS256'});
Front-endIn the configuration, set userSsoId
and a function getUserSsoToken
If userSsoId
has a non-empty value, getUserSsoToken
will be called.
is also used as a cache key to prevent too many calls to your /sso
endpoint, so make sure to set it correctly!
When the user is not logged in, don't set userSsoId
or set it to a falsy value or empty string.
window.SlickComment.renderDiscussion({ // ...other config options userSsoId: "Replace with the user's SSO UI", getUserSsoToken: function() { return fetch('/sso') // this endpoint was created in the above step .then((res) => { if (res.ok) { return res.text(); } throw new Error('Could not fetch SSO Token.'); }) .catch((err) => { // let the user know that something is wrong }); },});
Login buttonWhen an unauthenticated user tries to write a comment, a warning message will be displayed
To make it easier for the user to login, you can implement function handleBtnLoginClick
const slickcomment_config = { // ...other options handleBtnLoginClick: function() { // you might want to open a modal or redirect the user to the login page // after the user is logged in, the page must be reloaded },};
Then the login button will appear